Onda Sonora – 21 de Julio de 2014: Dub durante 4 horas, 28 minutos y 45 segundos

[1] [2]Onda Sonora - 21 de Julio de 2014: Dub y Reggae durante 4 horas, 28 minutos y 45 segundos.Presentación y Locuciones: Alba Villanueva de Ion Radio [3].Selección musical y mezcla: César Pradíes.  ESCUCHA O DESCARGA COMPLETAMENTE O POR PARTES EN   [4]https://archive.org/details/OndaSonora21DeJulioDe2014DUBREGGAE [5]   [6]                                      Playlist 21 de julio de 2014:01. LEE PERRYTrack: People Funny Boy Album: People Funny Boy / Blowing In The Wind (1968)Label: Upsetter Records [7]02. THE UPSETTERS [8]Track: Return of Django / Dread Luck / Django Shoots First / Stranger on the Shore / Eight for Eight / Thunderball / Black I.P.A / Live Injection / Jungle Lion / Bad Luck / Kill Them All / Untitled Instrumental / Hit Me / Black Panta / V/S Panta Rock / Cane River Rock / Rocky River / Jungle Jim / Drum Rock / Exray Vision / Cant't Take it Anymore / Soul Stew / Goosy / Prove It / Boss Society / Rude Walking / Game People PlayAlbum: The Upsetter (1969) / The Return of Django (1969) / Eastwood Rides Again (1970) / África's Blood (1971) / Blackboard Jungle Dub (1973) / Cloak and Dagger (1973) / Lee Perry - Wizdom 1971-1975 /  Double Seven (1974) / Kung Fu Meets the Dragon aka Heart of the Dragon(1975) / Revolution Dub (1975) / Return of Wax (1975) / Super Ape (1976) / Return of the Super Ape (1978) / Roast Fish Collie Weed and Corn Bread (1978) Label: Upsetter Records / Ascension Records / Trojan Records / Island Records / Lion of Judah [9]03. BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERSTrack: Sun is ShiningAlbum: The Lee Perry Sessions (1980 - 1983)Label: Sky Records / Konexion04. BURT WALTERS & THE UPSETTERS Track: Evol Yenoh (1968)Album:  People Funny Boy (1994) Label: Upsetter / Trojan Records [10]05. LEE "SCRATCH" PERRYTrack: Rastafari on Wall Street / Version Wall Street / Pow Satan / Pow Dub / War Dub / Believe This Dub / Sound of my Dub / Repent / Land of Dub (Raw Mix)Album: Back on the Controls (2014)Label: Upsetter [11] 06. KING TUBBYTrack: Dub from the Roots (extracto) / Invasion / Dub ExperienceAlbum: Dub From The Roots (1974)Label: Live and Love / Total Sounds [12]07. KING TUBBY MEETS THE UPSETTERTrack: African Roots / Wood Roots / People From The Grass Roots / 300 Years of the Grass Roots / King tubby & The Upsetter at Spanish TownAlbum: At The Grass Roots of Dub (1974)Label: Total Sounds / Fay Music Inc. [13]08. AUGUSTUS PABLOTrack: 555 Dub Street / King Tubby Meets Rockers UptownAlbum: King Tubbys Meets Rockers Uptown (1973 - 1976)Label: Yard Music / Clocktower Records [14]09. MAD PROFESSORTrack: Get Drunk & CelebrateAlbum:  Beyond The Realms Of Dub (Dub Me Crazy Pt.II) (1982)Label: Ariwa [15]10. MIKEY DREADTrack: Queen DubAlbum: Dub Catalogue (1981)Label: Dread at the Controls [16]11. BASIC CHANNELTrack: Radiance II Album: Radiance (1994)Label: Basic Channel [17] 12. POLETrack: Taxi / Weit / Raum 2 Original Album: 3 (2000) / 2 (1999) / R (2001)Label: Kiff SM / Pias / ~Scape 13. EASY STAR ALL-STARSTrack: Fitter Happier / Money / ThrillerAlbum: Dub Side of the Moon (2003) / Radiodread (2006) / Thrillah (2012)Label: Easy Star Records  ESCUCHA o DESCARGA COMPLETAMENTE o POR PARTES EN https://archive.org/details/OndaSonora21DeJulioDe2014DUBREGGAE [18] [1] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/435c3-dub_logo.jpg [2] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/065c6-logo_onda-sonora_200x200.png [3] http://www.ionradio.es/ [4] http://www.ionradio.es/ [5] https://archive.org/details/OndaSonora21DeJulioDe2014DUBREGGAE [6] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/a9aaa-people2bfunny2bboy.jpg [7] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/5a061-lee2bperry2b262bthe2bupsetters2b-2bsome2bof2bthe2bbest.jpg [8] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/78d0d-lee2bperry2bupsetter.jpg [9] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2db4e-bob2bmarley2blee.jpg [10] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/552aa-back2bon2bthe2bcontrols.jpg [11] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/c7192-20131215042246king_tubby.jpg [12] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/54812-king-tubby-meets-the-upsetter-at-the-grass-roots-of-dub.jpg [13] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/10234-augustus2bpablo.jpg [14] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/6e373-mad2bprofessor.jpg [15] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/689e9-mikey2bdread2b-2bdread2bat2bthe2bcontrol2bdubwise.jpg [16] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2b1db-basic2bchannell.jpg [17] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/7f0e6-pole.jpg [18] https://archive.org/details/OndaSonora21DeJulioDe2014DUBREGGAE
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