Onda Sonora – 13 de Octubre de 2013

[1]CONTENIDOS ONDA SONORA 12-10-2013 http://archive.org/details/OndaSonora.13DeOctubreDe2013LocutadoPorVctorSequ [2]Todos los temas seleccionados y locutados por Víctor Sequí [3]01. HENRY THREADGILL Track: Hope a Hope A Album: Spirit of Nuff...Nufff Label: Black Saint02. ROLAND KIRK Track: A Lauhg For Rori Album: The Inflated Tear Label: Atlantic03. OSKAR AICHINGER Track: Refugium Album: Elements of Poetry Label: Between The Lines04. OSKAR AICHINGER Track: Siren Song Album: To Touch a Distant Soul Label: Between the Lines05. OSKAR AICHINGER Track: The Zone Album: Synapsis Label: Between the Lines 06. SUN RA Track: - Album: - Label: Thoth07. ART ENSEMBLE OF CHICAGO Track: - Album: Desterity Label: Bcd08. STEVE LACY Track: Hit Album: Moon Label: Affinity 09. RICARDO MARICHAL Track: Commoción Album: Sadx Label: Alina Records10. VÍCTOR SEQUÍ Track: La Ventana del Ángel / Usera Song / Linea X Album: Alte Blue / Rememverberation Label: Dog Eared Records / www.amp-recs.com [4] [1] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/4ee3c-title.gif [2] http://archive.org/details/OndaSonora.13DeOctubreDe2013LocutadoPorVctorSequ [3] http://trioantim.blogspot.com.es/ [4] http://www.amp-recs.com/
Puedes escuchar este podkast en https://www.agorasolradio.org/podcast/ondasonora/onda-sonora-13-de-octubre-de-2013/