Onda Sonora – 15 de julio de 2013

[1]  CONTENIDOS ONDA SONORA 15-07-13 http://archive.org/details/OndaSonora15DeJulioDe2013 [2] 01. MICHAEL PISARO (actuación en La Casa Encendida el domingo 21 de Julio de 2013, 21:00h) Track: Fade / Mind is Moving (extracto) / A Single Charm Is Doubtful (extracto) / Tomorrow / The Punishment Of The Tribe By Its Elders (extracto) / No.1 / Sleeping Muse / The Endless Column (extracto) Album: Fields Have Ears / Mind is Moving / Transparent City (volumes 1 & 2) / The Punishment Of The Tribe By Its Elders / Harmony Series 11-16 / Hearing Metal 1 Label: Gravity Wave / Edition Wandelweiser Records / Erstwhile Records 02. MICHAEL PISARO / BARRY CHAVALA & KATIE PORTER Track: Asleep, Street, Pipes, Tones (extracto) Album: Asleep, street, pipes, tones Label: Gravity Wave 03. MICHAEL PISARO / GREG STUART / BARRY CHAVALA Track: Close Constellations And A Drum On The Ground (extract) Album: Close Constellations And A Drum On The Ground Label: Gravity Wave 04. ANTOINE BEUGER / MICHAEL PISARO Track: This Place / is Love (extract) Album: This Place / is Love Label: Erstwhile Records 05. JOE PANZNER / GREG STUART Track: Dissection Puzzle Album: Dystonia Duos Label: Erstwhile Records 06. ANNE GUTHRIE / RICHARD KAMERMAN Track: Porcellino Album: Sinter Label: Erstwhile Records 07. KEITH ROWE / GRAHAM LAMBKIN Track: Wet B Album: Making A Label: Erstwhile Records [1] https://www.agorasolradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/c3697-title.gif [2] http://archive.org/details/OndaSonora15DeJulioDe2013
Puedes escuchar este podkast en https://www.agorasolradio.org/podcast/ondasonora/onda-sonora-15-de-julio-de-2013/